Never struggle to find a gift again Valentine’s Day Deluxe Bouquet


This exquisite bouquet of pink roses, red chrysanthemums, pink Germinis and more will be truly appreciated and adored by anyone this Valentine’s Day.

Our fresh flower bouquets are packed and shipped direct from our Dublin warehouse together with any other gifts and cards ordered. Our bouquets are sourced from Fairtrade flower producers both in Ireland and abroad. The flowers are presented in a flower box as illustrated with the stems securely enclosed in a sealed aqua bag. This method ensures the stems remain moist during transit enhancing their longevity.

*Please Note that these flowers will be not be delivered until Valentine’s Day 14th February.*

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About The Brand

Established in 2000, is Ireland’s leading gift delivery company. We are a family-run business which is 100% Irish owned and are based in Ballymount, Dublin. provides a user-friendly and secure online service to allow you to buy great gifts and hampers and have them delivered direct to your recipient or to yourself. We make your gift giving experience simple yet your recipient will be truly delighted and impressed.

Having dispatched many gifts throughout Ireland and abroad for many years, we understand that our gifts are an expression of your sentiments and support this with a high level service and exquisite range. We employ reliable couriers so the gifts arrive on time in a cost-effective manner. Our internal order processing procedures ensure the highest quality is always maintained and you are kept informed via our integrated track and trace system.