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Chapters Bookstore Classics Book Mystery Box


It’s widely recommended that you read all of the Classics, and the Chapters Mystery Box is a great place to start.

Six new classic novels are included to get you started, and because delivery to Ireland is free, it’s difficult to go wrong. A fantastic way to begin your Classic library.

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About The Brand

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Chapters Bookstore

Founded over 40 years ago, almost closed in 2022, but brought back after a huge public response, Chapters is Ireland’s largest independent bookshop, specialising in new, bargain & secondhand books. We are wholly Irish owned, but have a diverse workforce.

We stock a huge range of fiction & non fiction, predominantly in English, but also Irish and other languages, with a concentration on books from Irish authors and presses. Chapters of Parnell St was recognised as a cultural asset by Dublin City Co, worthy of protection and preservation, when they rejected a planning application which would have displaced the store. We are mentioned in numerous articles & guides of places/bookshops to visit in Dublin/Ireland.